Episode 29

All Things Halloween

Danielle Bagdzinski & Gina Hippe talk all things Halloween in this special episode.

Danielle is the marketing manager for Cg Tax, Audit & Advisory. With more than 15 years’ experience in marketing, advertising, and public relations, Danielle manages all communications; digital/print marketing; social media; and branding for the firm. 

Gina Hippe is a paraprofessional in Cg Tax, Audit, & Advisory’s Litigation & Valuations Services Group, specializing in forensic accounting, cash flow and lifestyle analysis, asset tracing, and more.

About the Podcast

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CG Business Advisor
Cg Business Advisor tackles the important issues affecting businesses and individuals right now. In our twice monthly episodes, we bring in industry experts to discuss topics ranging from tax implications on new (and ever-changing) legislation,...