Episode 43

Cannabis & Cryptocurrency

Steve McKeon is the founder and CEO of MacGuyverTech with over 25 years of experience in the technological world. Steve’s philosophy on software has been a guiding lens for MacGuyverTech. He believes that no company should have a “cookie-cutter mold” system; each company is unique and requires a fully customized software to fit their specific needs. Steve also has a fiery passion for blockchain. With the emergence of this new technology, Steve is able to integrate it into a lot of different projects. The applications for blockchain are almost unlimited and Steve has the knowledge to propose the best application of blockchain technology to the system to fit a company’s needs. 

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CG Business Advisor
Cg Business Advisor tackles the important issues affecting businesses and individuals right now. In our twice monthly episodes, we bring in industry experts to discuss topics ranging from tax implications on new (and ever-changing) legislation,...